Vetted is a digital platform created by veterans and military families to promote continued service, elevate veteran and military family-owned businesses, journalism, and community resources, and provide the tools and opportunities our community and their supporters need to thrive in the modern age.

At Vetted, we believe that veterans and military families are America's force multipliers. In our communities, on the job, in the classroom, and everywhere in between, you can find us driving the engines that strengthen our nation.

This isn't just lip service - it's backed by data. Vetted brings together the resources, information, and opportunities our community and their supporters need to stay strong, engaged, and at the forefront of American servant leadership.

Vetted is built on three core pillars

Access to High-Quality Information

High-quality, reliable Information from trusted sources is the foundation for success. Vet the News is a curated news aggregator featuring high-quality journalism by veterans and military family members, providing a trusted source of information and insights that reflect our community's diverse perspectives. Vet Your Search is our innovative search engine powered by Bing. It not only provides reliable results including a first-of-its kind fact checker, we also redeploy 100% of its revenue to support causes that further serve and empower veterans and military families.

Continued Service

For more than 50 years, every American who signed up to serve in the United States Armed Forces did so voluntarily. Though not in uniform, our family members served and sacrificed alongside them. Our community has a service gene, and that drive doesn't go away when we (or our family member) takes off the uniform for the last time. Our continued service helps keep our country strong. Vet the Vote is the foundation of our Service to Service pipeline. Vet the Vote recruits veterans and military families to serve again as poll workers, helping to keep our elections safe, accurate, and secure.

Resources and Opportunities

The veteran and military family community is large, diverse, and well-networked. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of exceptional organizations that serve and empower our community. At vetted, we're committed to making these resources and opportunities easier to discover and access, and creating even more opportunities in partnership with these and more organizations. Better access to these resources and opportunities means better outcomes for veterans and military families, and better outcomes for our community means a stronger America. Our first program - Vet the News - also provides access through our partners like Military Veterans in Journalism and Report for America to opportunities in journalism and media.

But we're just getting started

In addition to these core offerings, Vetted is actively expanding our platform to provide even more valuable resources, including:

Vet Public Service

We'll create a fully built out service-to-service pipeline

Ecosystem Map

We'll connect veterans and military families with top-notch resources

Continuous Service

We'll promote results for veteran and military family services and support networks, empowerment organizations, and veteran and military-owned businesses and programs that support them.

Stay tuned for more updates!